Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pigua in Jerusalem

In the teacher's room, someone flicks on the television.
Noises of sirens, ambulances and the newscaster Yigal Alon.
Pigua - A terrorist attack.

Deep groan. Deep sigh. Why?

I can say goodbye to my lesson plan, "normal" lessons.

Students saunter in and out of the teacher's room, looking for teachers.
And then they lift their heads to the direction of the television.
They don't need to ask, "what's going on? They have already figured it out. Only they don't have the decisions of what and how to teach.

Like the other piguim, (plural for terrorist attacks) is this one also worth mentioning for the sake of discussion?

Will I still be a 'good" teacher if I decide to go on with the lesson?

The principal comes into the teacher's room with her cup of whatever.

Teachers crowd around her and I stare and watch and wonder.

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